Ente capofila: CES – Centre for Social Studies – University of Coimbra
Rete di partenariato: Belgio, Bulgaria, Danimarca, Francia, Italia, Iran, Portogallo, Slovenia
Gruppo di lavoro: Patrizia Messina, Lorenza Perini (Università degli Studi di Padova)

Introduction of the project

The URBiNAT´s Code of Ethics and Conduct consists of a set of general ethical principles and procedures to be adopted and endorsed by all those involved in the project’s activities.

The general ethical principles proposed are not exhaustive, and they serve as inspiration for guiding the individual and collective conduct of professionals and citizens, institutional (EU, governmental, regional, municipal) and academic levels, as well as the general public, towards the highest URBiNAT´s ideals. As well as to guide the action of partner organizations and other institutions directly and indirectly involved in the project. It is important to point out that the URBiNAT principles are not immovable rules, but guidelines to carry out an ethical path within the scope of the project, and its application will depend on several  factors and should pay  particular attention  to each local context.

URBiNAT is a five‐year Research funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme, topic SCC-02-2016-2017 – Demonstrating innovative nature-based solutions in cities -,  Grant Agreement (GA) nº 776783. The project is committed to full respect of article 34 of the GA  on Ethics.  Complies with ethical principles and relevant national, European Union and international legislation, including the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights and its Supplementary Protocols, the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, and the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). URBiNAT has also developed a Data Management Plan that should be followed.

Geneneral Ethical Principles

  • Integrity promotion in the project
    URBiNAT adopts a set of ethical principles and values that seek to promote integrity in all its practices. Professionals and citizens, organizations and institutions involved in the project, commit to respect and compromise with values, such as honesty, truthfulness and accuracy.
  • Democraticity as ideal for all the process
    The extended concept of democracy adopted in the project means access to and use of goods and services supporting social welfare, the access to the public space and forms of effective participation, aligned with the principle that every citizen is capable of making a societal contribution supported by a co-creation process based on a plurality of knowledges and promote elimination of barriers and inequalities. This approach is based on the notion of democracy as a process, highlighting its dynamic component.
  • Solidarity as key element for the strengthening of the sense of community
    URBiNAT is guided by the adoption of organizational practices and interpersonal relationships based on the logic of reciprocity and mutual assistance and benefit among all citizens directly or indirectly involved in the project. It recognises solidarity as an extension of the conditions for participation and deepening of democracy.
  • Social inclusion, tolerance and respect for people’s dignity
    URBiNAT considers for appropriate and effective social inclusion, measures to reduce citizen participation barriers, to protect the rights and welfare, and respect the differences, including those based on age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religions, sexual orientation, disability, language and socioeconomic status. In this regard, it is necessary to permanently exercise tolerance and recognize cultural, social and economic differences of each group, to implement actions according to their needs, particularly those of priority groups, under more vulnerable conditions. Tolerance is also a posture to be adopted in order to generate healthy and fair relations among all.
  • Interculturality to ensure the effective engagement
    Diversity and differences in the project should be seen as elements to be addressed and not as problems to be solved. URBiNAT believes which whenever difference diminishes the participants, the right to be equal should be advocated, and whenever the equality mischaracterizes, the right to be different should be considered (Santos, 2006). URBiNAT promotes the exchange and interaction of experiences between all those involved in the project coming from different places and cultures, countries and institutions.
  • Intersectionality to eliminate forms of subordination, oppression and discrimination
    The principle of intersectionality is adopted since is an objective of the project to eliminate different forms of subordination, oppression and discrimination. The intersectionality is the approach whereby the work is constituted in the URBiNAT project, based on the notion that the specific modalities of oppression and discrimination act in an integrated manner. Therefore, is important to consider adequate responses to capable of capturing the consequences of the interaction of different forms of subordination.
  • Accountability to foster effectiveness of social participation
    URBiNAT considers the adoption of accountability mechanisms as a prerequisite for effective participation. In any research or consultative process, citizens must be informed since the beginning of the research purposes (informed consent), how their views will be interpreted (validation) and used (processed). URBiNAT undertakes to adopt measures that promote citizen engagement in different forms of collective action, including building capacities, provision of training, creating awareness of citizens’ rights and monitoring and evaluation of the participatory process will be conducted.  Citizens are entitled to clear feedback on how their participation influence outcomes.